Tiff Dee Tiff Dee

Postpartum ADHD

Many women live with ADHD without even realizing it, and the symptoms usually become more apparent postpartum. Oftentimes, ADHD symptoms are mistaken for or lead to anxiety. So let’s talk about it.

ADHD is most commonly associated with children (boys especially), but it can, and often does, persist into adulthood. Many women may have gone undiagnosed because the symptoms tend to manifest differently in females and can be mistaken as stress or hormonal fluctuations. The demands of motherhood can exacerbate these symptoms, which makes it important for moms to be aware of the signs.

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Tiff Dee Tiff Dee

Recognizing and Understanding Postpartum Rage

Most soon-to-be moms imagine the transition to motherhood as an exciting time filled with sweet baby sounds, cuddles, and snuggles. Unfortunately, expectations don’t always align with reality. As a new mom, you might find yourself dealing with an unexpected surge in anger and irritability. It may lead you to question your “good mom” status. But it’s important to understand that "postpartum rage," is not only a symptom of postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, it also serves as an indicator that you need more support.

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